I don't need a website

The .US domain's policy of not allowing privacy redaction is rooted in a concept of transparency and accountability, a legacy from when it was primarily used by government entities and schools. This decision by NeuStar, the operator of .US domains, is based on the idea that users should be able to see who is responsible for a website, fostering trust and preventing illicit activities.

I registered my new business site with a .US domain, because I was the cheapest option of all the domains. Not knowing what the lack of privacy redaction on WHOIS implies. My personal information (full name, address, email, and phone number) had been exposed to the public, until I swapped to a fake contact information. Immediately, I was bombarded with spam emails and phone calls, asking me if I needed to build a website / mobile app / SEO / marketing / etc.

a hyperrealistic portrait of Mr. Webb Notneeded, now an experienced and wise entrepreneur in his late 50s. He sits with a refined grace at his computer.

Below you will see the journey of a fictional man, by the name of Webb Notneeded. He just bought the fantastic domain name of idontneedawebsite.us, with his ProtonMail email address and a Google Voice phone number. His story serves as an enlightening case study into the challenges and implications of the .US domain's policy on privacy redaction.

Sent to idontneedawebsite@proton.me